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 Welcome to

Re-educating Earthlings!

An platform focused on environment education, re-connecting children, and adults, back to nature in the midst of a climate & biodiversity emergency.

One story, one workshop & one conversation at a time. 

me _ ZSL conference.jpeg
Home: Welcome

Sixty years of that it?

Some years ago, a changing climate would be discussed but people would question, ‘if the climate is changing, why aren’t we seeing any...

Biodiversity - our lifeline in decline...

‘To regain our full humanity we have to regain our experience of connectedness with the entire web of life and natural world’. This is a...

A little bit about Ubuntu.

Pronounced 'Oo - boon - too', Ubuntu is a philosophy like no other. Simply described, I am because we are together. In a world that sadly...

Where it all began...

Growing up, some of the first books I remember reading include The Hungry Caterpillar, We're Going on a Bear Hunt and The Gruffallo. 24...

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